Our neighbors

Pack Backpacks 8-8-16 LineOutside-D

Pack the Backpacks pickup, August 2016.

“Go in peace to love and serve the Lord” is one of the dismissals from worship that we take seriously at St. Luke’s.  Each member is a “minister” who consciously seeks out his or her personal ministry that goes beyond the church and self interests.  In fact, a recent survey completed by more than 60 percent of the congregation indicated that each member on average is involved in at least three ministries within and beyond St. Luke’s.

Fundraising also is critical part of the church’s outreach efforts. The St. Luke’s Outreach Committee plans and presents a number of fundraising, fellowship events each year to meet needs beyond the church. The committee’s motto is “we put the ‘fun’ in fundraising!” Thanks to these events and the generosity of the St. Luke’s family, the Outreach Committee typically provides more than $20,000 of support each year.  Among the nonprofits benefiting from this outreach are Concern, Agape, Pack the Backpack, Family Promise, Martha’s Task, Camp New Hope, Green Country Free Clinic, Church Women United Car Repair Fund and Green Country Free Dental Clinic.

Where you’ll find us…


This ecumenical community organization provides emergency financial aid, food and clothing to families in need and other programs designed to help people to help themselves. Concern also has a Learning Center that serves preschool children with fees based on a sliding fee scale. (Call to volunteer: 918-336-4693)


Agape Mission

The mission serves free meals from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and delivers meals to shut-ins and the elderly six days a week. Supported through volunteers and financial help from several local churches including St. Luke’s, Agape also operates a Food-For-Kids program that provides over 1,700 sacks a month for weekend lunches for children attending twelve area schools. (Call to volunteer: 918-333-3257)


Pack the Backpacks

Dozens of St. Luke’s members are involved in this community-wide effort to ensure that every child in the area has the necessary school supplies for a successful year of learning.  This year the Washington County School Supply Drive provided school-ready backpacks to nearly 2,500 students of every grade. (Call to volunteer: 918-336-1212)


La Casa Hispana

Since 2005, La Casa Hispana (LCH) has supported local Hispanic families and community organizations by providing information, guidance, and interpretation services to help them address a wide range of everyday issues such as housing, utilities, medical care, social services, and community needs. St. Luke’s provides LCH a bit of financial support, as well as with what Fr. Nick calls, “the currency of space”. That is to say, we let LCH use our facilities for fundraising events and occasional temporary storage.  (More information: See our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/casahispanaoutreach/ or call 918-907-1584)