I’m Just Looking


We’re glad you’re interested in St. Luke's! We are a community that is open to everyone as together we seek God’s grace in our lives. On this website you’ll find about how we worship, how we learn and how we strive to make a difference in this world. We don’t have all the answers to the problems and struggles around us. But we know that God can light the way for us.

We warmly encourage you to join us for a Sunday service or for some of the many other events that take place here. You belong at St. Luke’s.

-- Fr. Nick

Contact Us Anytime

To find out more about St. Luke's or the Episcopal faith in general, call the church office and member of our clergy will get back to you promptly.  Contact the office at 918-336-1212 or StLukesBartlesville@outlook.com, or call Fr. Nick at 269-788-7063.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I experience on Sunday?

Our Sunday services all center around Holy Communion (also called Eucharist), when we bless bread and wine in the name of Christ and share them as a sign of our unity and a source of strength. Everyone is welcome to receive Communion at our altar; we believe it is how God feeds us so that we can grow in love.

The Eucharist, a word that means “thanksgiving”, has two major parts, the liturgy of the Word and the liturgy of Communion. The first part reminds us our place in God’s story as the scriptures are read, a sermon is preached, prayers are said together, and as we offer a common confession and are reminded of God’s forgiveness.  In the second part, we experience afresh God’s acts of redemption as we see the bread broken and the wine poured out and share in these elemental representations of God’s presence with us. Then, we are sent back into our world – re-energized and ready to “live the Christ life.”

What time are services on Sunday morning?

8:00 a.m. – A quiet, contemplative service with prayers, bible readings and a sermon without music. A Rite I Holy Communion service conducted in traditional language, it lasts about 45 minutes.

10:30 a.m. – A family-friendly setting brings inspiring liturgy, traditional and contemporary music and challenging preaching. This is a Rite II Communion service, where the language is more contemporary. This service lasts about an hour.

Are there services during the week?

Yes! There is the Evening Office, often called Evening Prayer, every weekday at 5 p.m. In addition, Morning Prayer is conducted every Thursday at 6:45 a.m. in the chapel.  Anyone is welcome to attend this service, which precedes the Men's Group weekly breakfast in Metcalf Hall.

What is the Daily Evening Prayer service?

This is a 15-minute virtual service on St. Luke's Facebook page held Monday-Friday with Fr. Nick normally officiating. It includes the liturgy of Worship of the Evening from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer (BCP) and the appropriate biblical readings for the day. It can be easily accessed live every weekday at 5 pm or any other time on the church's Facebook page.  The setting for this service is either in the chapel, elsewhere at St. Luke's or occasionally at Fr. Nick's home.

Where can I park?

Parking is available in the church lot north of the building. You can also park along Ninth St., which is convenient to the church’s south entry doors.

Do you offer a Sunday program for children?

SUSPENDED DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS: We have Children’s Church that begins immediately after the Time with Children at the 10:30 a.m. service.  Here, our younger members are able to appreciate the Gospel in an age-appropriate way…and to sing, dance and wiggle.

What should I wear?

There is no dress code. A few people dress up in their Sunday best while most of us show up in casual clothing. The important thing is that you are with us.

Where can I learn more about Episcopalians?

If you have questions about St. Luke's or the Episcopal faith in general, feel free to contact a member of our staff and leadership board (vestry) through the church office phone or email. They will respond promptly.

Church Office: 918-336-1212
